Saturday, June 13, 2020

5 Things To Prepare For A Skype Interview

5 Things To Prepare For A Skype Interview Facebook7TweetLinkedInPinEmailShares7 Whether you are moving across the world to work or just relocating to the other end of England,  it may be your turn to participate in a Skype interview. Although they dont seem as nerve-wracking as meeting in person, you should express the same importance  towards it as you do with a face-to-face meeting. After all, the intended outcome of both  is to get the job. 1. Signal One of the worst things that can happen during a phone interview or a Skype interview is one of you losing signal  or having a lack of signal throughout. Not only will they not be able to understand you, it comes across as unprofessional and can sometimes be a complete waste of time. First impressions count, you want the interview to run smoothly, allowing you to be confident about your answers. You should try your skype out with a friend or family member beforehand. Check that its working, check that people can clearly hear you and you can hear them. Use a headset instead of solely relying on your laptop. 2. Attire Its important to put in the same amount of effort with your appearance than you would at a normal interview. Although they arent technically across the table from you, they are watching you and if it looks like you are in your pyjamas  or dressed a little inappropriately, they wont be afraid to make note of this. Some people also make the mistake of dressing formal from waist up, you need to factor in an emergency situation where you had to stand up to grab something. Dress for the interview from head to toe to avoid the  embarrassment.  (You dont want the interviewer to see your favourite pyjama bottoms!)     3. Background Keep the background plain and professional, leave out the teen posters or the messy living room area. You are trying to impress them, theres no use describing yourself as a really organised person with your whole wardrobe spread across the floor and a view of dirty plates. Although you may think that the appearance of you own home is irrelevant,  all of these different things can help them sway towards a certain yes or no answer. It might be worth moving some of your furniture around so that the webcam is facing a wall. This way, theres no distractions and all of the focus is on you. 4. Disturbances Its important that you keep any disturbances  out of the room, keep your phone on silent, try to pick a time when no one else is there to interrupt or to make any unnecessary noises. You want as much peace and quiet as possible. It might be worth just letting your family or flatmates know what time your interview is and to politely ask them to avoid coming in the room.  If you are at University or a member of the local library, try booking a meeting room or asking a friend if you can use a quiet room at their house. 5.  Answers The mistake that many people make is that they think that a skype interview is more informal and this shouldnt be the case. If you really want the job then surely you want to provide them with impressive, well-thought-out answers. Theres no use Googling their company while you are on Skype. Look engaged, body language is just as important on skype than any other interview. Interviewers are usually pretty good at noticing when someone is unprepared and attempting to wing it so be prepared.

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